Meet Laura Kessler

Master speech coach, thought leader and communications strategist Laura Kessler catapults ambitious professionals to dramatically improve their image, communication and performance skills in a short amount of time. Through her one-day bootcamps and extended training programs, her clients have built platforms, aced media interviews, landed internationally competitive jobs, increased sales, improved staff communication and teambuilding, recovered from laryngitis, strategically navigated crisis, and generated as much as 10 times their original investment as a result of her coaching.
With over 20 years of experience, Laura deeply understands the power of blending contemporary business with media and entertainment aesthetics, and is a sought after expert in the field of creative leadership ethics. Her clients include a diverse mix of leaders, entrepreneurs and aspiring high potentials in business, entertainment, government, healthcare, philanthropy and education.
Laura Kessler‘s unique multidisciplinary background draws on the triple threat of small group and enterprise level communication, the entertainment business, and public relations advocacy experience, particularly in the areas of strategic public messaging and conflict resolution.
She holds an M.M. in Music and Performing Arts from New York University and a BA in Interpersonal and Organizational Communications from the Ohio State University, and is currently working towards her Public Leadership Certificate at Harvard University.
Laura is also a certified business and career executive coach with additional training certifications in corporate training, ESL (English as a second language), relationship mastery, mediation and conflict resolution skills.
Laura Kessler is available for speaking, consulting, customized trainings, and small group and individual coaching. Please contact us for a complimentary consultation to discuss your individual goals.
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